2005 - 8 tracks

Supernature - Goldfrapp

3.75 out of 5

2003 - 10 tracks

Black Cherry - Goldfrapp

3.75 out of 5
4.25 out of 5
4 out of 5
$5.99 - $8.99

2004 - 12 tracks

Palookaville - Fatboy Slim

3.5 out of 5
$4.99 - $7.99
3.75 out of 5
$5.99 - $9.99
3.75 out of 5
$6.99 - $9.99

2006 - 10 tracks

Like Drawing Blood - Gotye

3.5 out of 5
$3.99 - $5.99

2004 - 12 tracks

Boardface - Gotye

7 out of 5
$4.99 - $7.99

2006 - 12 tracks

Auracle - Lesiem

3 out of 5
4.25 out of 5
$4.99 - $7.99