2003 - 15 tracks

Kid Rock - Kid Rock

3.5 out of 5
$5.99 - $9.99
3.5 out of 5
$3.99 - $5.99

2012 - 11 tracks

HBLX - H Blockx

8 out of 5
3.5 out of 5
$4.99 - $7.99

2010 - 13 tracks

Asylum - Disturbed

3.75 out of 5
$4.99 - $6.99

2000 - 12 tracks

The Sickness - Disturbed

3 out of 5
$3.99 - $6.99

2004 - 3 tracks

Vermilion - Slipknot

7 out of 5
$0.99 - $1.99

2002 - 1 tracks

My Plague - Slipknot

7 out of 5
3 out of 5
$0.99 - $1.99

2000 - 4 tracks

Spit It Out - Slipknot

3 out of 5
$1.99 - $2.99
3 out of 5

1999 - 1 tracks

Nookie - Limp Bizkit

3 out of 5