4 out of 5

2018 - 12 tracks

Persona - Rival Consoles

3.75 out of 5

2017 - 12 tracks

Providence - Nathan Fake

3.5 out of 5

2005 - 2 tracks

Analord 03 - Aphex Twin

8 out of 5

1994 - 11 tracks

Amber - Autechre

4.25 out of 5

1997 - 5 tracks

Cichlisuite - Autechre

3 out of 5

1997 - 4 tracks

Envane - Autechre

3.25 out of 5

1998 - 11 tracks

LP5 - Autechre

4.25 out of 5
3.75 out of 5
7 out of 5
9 out of 5