2007 - 17 tracks

Infiltration - Assassin

7 out of 5

2006 - 16 tracks

Outta Road - Kiprich

7 out of 5

2010 - 17 tracks

Freedom Blues - Jah Cure


2006 - 17 tracks

Serious Times - Luciano

8 out of 5
8 out of 5

2001 - 17 tracks

My Crew, My Dawgs - T.O.K.

8 out of 5
6 out of 5
5 out of 5
9 out of 5
9 out of 5

2006 - 14 tracks

One Way Ticket - Luciano

10 out of 5

2009 - 11 tracks

Mello Yellow - Yellowman

6 out of 5